Argumentative Essay On Electronic Waste

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Electronic waste: The Massive Global Issue You 're walking to one of your friend 's house with your friend. You grab your phone from your pocket to let your mom know that you 'll be staying over at your friend 's house but it slips out of your hand. You stop walking and gasp as your phone falls to the sidewalk concrete face down. Your heartbeat starts racing knowing that your phone might have cracked because you haven 't bought a case for it. You pick up your phone to check if it 's okay. Clearly, it 's not. The screen has a massive crack. You try to turn it back on but the screen is still cracked and black. Your friend tells you to throw it away when you get home. Once that phone is thrown in the trash, it 's final destination is an e waste landfill in some country. E-waste is technology that cannot be fixed or no longer useful. This has become a global issue that is causing the toxins and chemicals from the electronics effect the human body and cause pollution in the environment. Everyone in the world needs to be informed about e-waste, also known as electronic waste. People need to be aware of the history of how big of a deal electronic waste is, what does electronic waste cause, and what does electronic waste effect. To begin with, it is a massive environmental issue when it comes to talking about the topic e-waste. According to "Greenpeace" their website concludes that, electronic waste now makes up 5% of all solid waste worldwide. Electronic landfills are highly toxic