Argumentative Essay On Foster Care

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“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” said John F. Kennedy. The U.S cares greatly about oil, agriculture, technology, and large economic resources, but children are the resource of the future. Children will become the functioning members of society that makes America run. But what happens when children become lost in the large void of the foster care system? When the idea of foster care comes to mind most people automatically think of problem children with an overly troubled past. Many children entering the foster care system have been through things no one can imagine. Others have hope for a better life. Children in the system are calling for help, but their voices are silenced by the chaos and …show more content…

Foster care today is trying to continue to fulfill that need. Many children exiting the foster care system have felt they had been neglected in the system just as they had been neglected in their home. Society often sees these children as unwanted problems. However, if the government would put more resources and funds towards the system so much change could take place. Instead of resorting to separating families, preventative measures could take place. More employees can be hired which would reduce the caseloads and stress of those working in the system today. The solution is to not get rid of foster care completely because there are children who are in terrible situations and staying in their home is not the best option. But there are many parents struggling with poverty, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse, if the system would take time to take preventative measures to ensure that children would remain safe it would make a world of a difference. In the case of a removal from a home, a qualified and trustworthy foster parent is necessary. Proper funding would allow foster parents to have more money to spend on ensuring the health and happiness of the child they have taken in. The development of a child’s brain during their time in foster care has a large impact on the rest of their life. With proper therapy many children will be able to have an outlet to release the stress and struggles they have faced. All these possibilities could ensure the physical, mental and developmental safety for children at risk. The system is broken but the kids don’t have to

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