Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence

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To begin, Butts et al inform psychologists about the need for more control over gun violence because of the protection of social norms throughout his journal. Members of Cure Violence explain about the studies they have done to change the opinions about gun violence. Coming from an expert’s perspective, Butts states, “it considers gun violence to be analogous to a communicable disease that passes from person to person when left untreated.” High education can cure this problem thus eliminating deaths due to guns. Once people understand why it is important to grab attention to the issue of gun violence, the community can work harder to monitor and increase the education of firearms. The world will be safer once guns are kept from those who struggle to handle dangerous weapons appropriately. Hence, in order to obtain a gun in Switzerland, gun owners must have a permit and in order to receive it they must not have a criminal record, be over 18, and have to prove mental stability. Switzerland's way of owning guns is safer because people also must have a lot of education on firearms. Getting a hold of guns is much easier in the U.S., the owner must be over the age of 18, and background checks are supposed to be done but are incomplete. Gun crime is larger in the U.S. …show more content…

The injuries that are caused because of gun violence are severe, and more people will be injured if this issue isn’t resolved. For instance, “in 2013, more than 33,000 people in the United States died from gunshot injuries and more than 84,000 survived with such injuries, many of them requiring ongoing care for both physical and mental health.” People are not educated enough on the true damage a firearm can cause. People will continue to die if guns stay accessible to those uneducated. A better way to monitor this issue exists to ensure the safety of every