Argumentative Essay On Holocaust

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Becki Wittman Ms. Bick/ Dr. Lambert Hitler and the National Socialist party perpetuated ideas of hatred and racism that resulted in a genocide attempt and the worst holocaust the world has yet seen. The involvement of people as participants, resistors, and victims spread across cultures changed how people all over Europe lived. Between 1933 and 1945, millions died and risked their lives to make sure there were less unjust deaths. While a holocaust is a mass killing of a large group of people, a genocide is a mass murder for the purpose of eradicating a specific race, religion, or other differences such as sexuality or gender identity. For example, a school shooting would qualify are a holocaust, but it wouldn’t be a genocide if the shooter …show more content…

Hope is measured on a continuum of resistance. When things are going wrong in the world, those who resist are the only shred of hope. People standing by idly by while others beat up Nazis or watch others hide Jews away in their homes and say nothing are passively resisting. Those who resist for the sake of having no other choice, such as those with friends or family being persecuted, are reluctantly resisting. Finally, those who go out of their way to try to make the world a better place in the face of adversity and sometimes even save lives when they don’t have to are actively resisting. Those who beat up Nazis or hide away Jews were the active resistors. They have a better grasp on their moral compass in times like this, which tells them what is right and wrong and leads them in what they believe is the right direction. Events like the German Holocaust sometimes through people’s compasses off because they are surrounded by propaganda and hatred that seeps in. Another important concept to understand is the circle of responsibility. A circle of responsibly is made up of all the people that an individual feels responsible for. Some people have just themselves, friends, or family in their circles. Many conservative Americans hold white cis straight Americans in their. Many liberal Americans hold every minority in theirs. Active resisters during the German Holocaust often had Jews, homosexuals, and gypsies in their circles of responsibility. By having these wide circles, they are the sole heros and source of

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