Cause And Effect Essay On Homeless Children

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Homeless Children
One of the biggest problems that affect the world every day is Homeless children.
"Homelessness influences every facet of a child’s life, from conception to young adulthood. The experience of homelessness inhibits the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and behavioral development of children" (Hart-Shegos, 1999).
"The education law defines homeless children and youth as those who do not have a stable, consistent place to stay at night" (Aratani, 2009). Every day the number of homeless children increases. "An estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. As many as 1.6 billion people lacked adequate housing" (Habitat, 2015).
This paper will discuss the causes of homelessness, then explaining the effects of it and finally find a solution …show more content…

"While many homeless children are not abused, the cumulative effects of homelessness alone can still cause psychological issues. Michelle Fryt Linehan, the former director of the Office for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth for the Massachusetts Department of Education, argues that shelters (commonly called “welfare hotels”) are overcrowded and can be psychologically destructive to residents. Shelters are often deteriorated buildings situated in oppressed areas. Furthermore, they are often crowded and chaotic, meaning they increase personal pressure and stress and often indirectly lead to conflicts and/or violence between parents and children. Recent studies have demonstrated that “sensitive, responsive care in the first few years of life” leads to greater school achievement and less need for special education, fewer behavioral problems, less reliance on drugs and alcohol during the teenage years, and improved social abilities" (Kelly,

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