Argumentative Essay On Hypnosis

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“You are getting very sleepy. Your eyelids are growing heavy, your feel light as a feather. Deeper and deeper you go, listening only to the sound of my voice.” These are the words of a Hollywood hypnosis session, with the glassy-eyed patients and the mystical figure with a pocket watch. However, you may be surprised to know that hypnosis is actually a fairly common occurrence. Clinically, hypnosis is defined as a state of heightened awareness and relaxation, which can be triggered by many everyday activities like watching television. Historically, hypnosis has been used for centuries, dating back to Ancient Egypt! Regardless of this, it is only in recent years that we have started to appreciate the benefits therapeutical hypnosis can have, ranging from treatments for pain, anxiety, and even depression. For some, hypnosis can work like magic, improving mood, increasing sleep, and reducing chronic pain. However, many feel that hypnosis is an invasion of privacy …show more content…

This is shown when “The Better Health Channel” states, “Contrary to popular belief, you can’t be hypnotized into doing things against your will.” Clearly, this citation restates the fact that you are completely in control during the hypnosis process. Therefore, this means that you cannot do anything that you would not normally do. Another citation that supports the claim comes from “The Hypnosis Motivation Institute” when it says, “If you hear a suggestion you don’t agree with, your subconscious mind will automatically reject it.” That citation supports the claim that you keep your will during a trance because it explains that your subconscious mind will not allow you to complete any actions that do not correspond with your core values. Furthermore, this means that your will is your own during hypnosis, not the hypnotherapist’s. All in all, hypnosis is a safe method because it allows you to keep your own will and moral

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