Argumentative Essay On Immigration And Deportation

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The United States of America is famously known to be the “Melting Pot” of the universe. People from all different backgrounds come together, in arguably the greatest country in the world. America is also widely recognized to be filled with endless opportunities and giving all an equal chance at prosperity. This is the main focus behind those who come to the United States of America, the goal; for a better life. The topic of immigration and deportation has been controversial since the beginning of time. It is a very delicate issue in the United States that is not lightly discussed in our nation. The country has developed itself into greatness. This pertains to the hardships many people must endure before they step foot on US turf. The struggle is what makes our citizens hungry to be better - do better. Ngai describes the 1920s to be just a stepping stone to the country's battle of deportation and immigration. “Deportation was not invented in the 1920s, but it was then that it came of age. In a sense, legal provisions for the deportation of unwanted immigrants existed in …show more content…

The border control of the country produced a whole new epidemic for those in congressional positions. The US Congress, felt “Uneasy” as described by Ngai against the current border control status of the nation. This was the initial reasoning behind the importance of strict immigration laws. The people at this time were extremely concerned, in which they created the Immigration act of 1921. “Which for the first time imposed numerical restrictions on immigration. Because illegal entry is a concomitant of restrictive immigration policy”(57). This law was the fundamental aspect to the level of seriousness deportation would be in the US for all to see. In addition to just the initial laws against immigration, deportation itself became the central holder of the topic of

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