Argumentative Essay On Jupiter Lighthouse

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Since 1854, a 108-foot tall red, brick beacon has stood majestically helping lost souls at sea. For over one hundred and fifty years, Jupiter Lighthouse has steadfastly guarded the coastline helping sailors navigate the treacherous shoreline. It has remained strong through more than 30 hurricanes and has weathered the test of time. However, it has become the center of a controversy. Should Jupiter Lighthouse continue to receive financial assistance? Given the advances in modern technology, critics argue that the expense to maintain the lighthouse is not worthwhile. Should the public continue to bear the financial burden to keep its guiding beam bright? Jupiter Lighthouse deserves the public’s support as it is a historic landmark. The beloved …show more content…

They are structures that serve as a navigational tool by emitting a beam of light. Jupiter Lighthouse emits a beam of light every thirty seconds which can be seen within a 24 miles radius. It covers an area of 1,808 miles. At the time, the First Order Fresnel Lens (created by a French man, Augustin Jean Fresnel) was the most powerful lens. It has been in operation as long as the Lighthouse has stood. As directed by Lt. William Raynolds, the walls are double walled. At the base the wall is 30 inches thick, but at the top the wall is only 18 inches thick. This architectural accomplishment is conical and built upon a sand dune which adds almost fifty feet to its height. Civil War Connections In 1861, the lighthouse was forcibly shut down due to the Civil War. It was believed that the Confederate sympathizers stole vital components to the light which made it inoperable. It was suspected that the pieces were hidden in nearby woods. Located between Hobe Sound and Hillsborough Inlet where the Indian River meets the inlet, Jupiter Lighthouse was unable to escape being connected to the Civil War. First, the architect of the Jupiter Lighthouse, George G. Meade, beat Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg. This was a crucial win because up until this time Robert E. Lee was thought to be unbeatable. In addition, it turned the tide of the war because, thus, the European countries refused to recognize the south as a country. Therefore, the south didn’t have any way to generate

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