
Argumentative Essay On Marine Captivity

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Have you ever been to SeaWorld or any other marine mammal shows or parks? If you have, you should know that many companies including SeaWorld are harming and exploiting these animals. Marine captivity is one of the most pressing threats to animals. This is why people need to stop watching animal shows in order to prevent abusive companies from gaining more profit and encouraging their exploitative behaviors towards their captive animals.

The first reason why marine captivity is a pressing threat to animals is that many animals, for example, whales, are unable to communicate with any animals of the same or different species, even though whales are considered to be very social creatures with excellent forms of communication. This is supported …show more content…

The first reason why marine captivity is such an urgent threat is because it harms animals and puts them at risk. To support this, the article “Why Whale and Dolphin Captivity is Cruel,” states “Water is chemically treated, often with chlorine, which prevents the placing of live fish and plants into their tanks and can also present health problems.” The marine animals are at risk of getting sick and vulnerable to symptoms like hyperactivity, jumping out of the water, suffocation or in some cases, death. Imagine being captured from your home and getting placed in a tank where you either are all alone, or placed with people you don’t know at all. This is exactly how these animals feel, which is why we need to oppose this treatment of marine animals and shut down these companies. These animals should not undergo immense suffering just for companies to receive money. Marine captivity is a very serious problem and threat to animals because animals are being abused and exploited just for people to be entertained. In fact, the article “Facts About Captivity” has stated that “Numerous documented examples of self-harming behavior have been observed in both dolphins and orcas, such as repeated smashing of heads against tank walls or gnawing on walls and gates.” Behaviors such as self-harming as a result of being restricted in solitary space shows how restricted and frustrated these captive animals are by being placed in a small, unfitting tank where they are isolated from other animals. which makes captivity extremely cruel. The people who pay for a performance from these animals are entirely unaware of the agony these animals have to go through for the entertainment of the audience. This is precisely why marine captivity is a cruel and extreme problem that needs to be stopped so these unethical companies get them shut down or are at

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