Argumentative Essay On Media Bias

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Media Bias Everyday many Americans sit in front of their television and watched what current events happened in the world that day. However, many of which are unaware that the media is bias. A large number of the news that is being broadcast has been modified by the new reporters themselves or by the corporation. It is everywhere these days; yet, people do not notice it when televised. Since many Americans are constantly on the go, they do not have time to research every news channel that they watch, as well as the articles they read on the media sites. The media has a way of depicting the news in a bias way; this has been researched and is proved to be true. The problem is not only is the media bias present, but the fact that one cannot identify it when watched. Therefore, one cannot believe everything that the media reports. All media is biased, so this essay will focus on critically analyzing The New York Times and Townhall articles on Obamacare, by comparing and contrasting how these two media sources deliver the information. Just a paragraph into the first article written by The New York Times, it gives the point of view from a liberal stand point. “The Affordable Care Act has faced nonstop attacks from partisans and right-wing media, with …show more content…

Nevertheless, in Townhall’s article it says, “I don't believe Obamacare was supposed to "fail," per se. I think it was intended to shuffle along in mediocrity for years, as Americans became inured to the proposition of the central government micromanaging the nation's healthcare system.” This particular point from the article was to show that Obamacare was not designed to fail, but to have affordable health care for the less fortunate. This particular title can be misleading because just the words; Obamacare designed to fail, leaves readers distress thinking that maybe it would actually help many Americans out, but those words stir up a different

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