Argumentative Essay On Patriot Act

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Citizens of the United States loss a lot of their freedom under the Patriot Acts. After the tragic terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 the United States took extreme measures to ensure the safety of citizens. The Bush administration pushed policy makers to create a new policy to protect United States citizens. The policy that they created was extremely flawed, immigrant and minorities that are United States citizens would soon have their rights infringed upon. The USA Patriot act plainly disregards US citizens rights. Citizens should be aware of the transgressions they might suffer, from the government through the Patriot acts. After 9/11 the country was in a state of disaster, Bush was urged to push policies that would protect national security. The Patriot Act was passed only 45 days after 9/11 took place. “According to Kam C. Wong, Chair, Department of Criminal Justice at Xavier University, The USA PATRIOT Act was ‘rushed’ passed Congress by the Bush administration without following the usual legislative …show more content…

“Sneak-and-peek warrants, also called delayed-notification warrants, allowed law enforcement to conduct a covert search without informing the suspect of the search until later. In 2007, a District Judge found such warrants to be unconstitutional, ABC News reported. However, the government appealed this ruling, and these warrants still remain concerns for citizens today, according to Vice News”. This means that FBI agents have the right to enter a citizen's home when they are not there search through the property and take pictures. The fourth amendment should protect the privacy of United Citizens, but through the Patriot Act the government has found a way to undermine the amendment. Only one percent of the people that were victims of Sneak & Peek warrants happen to be terrorist related. US citizens need to be aware of how easy the government can bend laws to work for their

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