Argumentative Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Physician assisted suicide or better known as the Death with Dignity Act. It is a legislative act that allows terminally ill patients to make a decision to end their own life through the ingestion of lethal medication. It is a very controversial legislation that not all states have accepted. In the states that it have passed, there are requirements. Major debate topics include religious beliefs, societal standards and human rights, and the possibilities of future cures or treatments which could be classified as unknown possibilities or hope.
Let’s go over a couple of the debate topics starting with religion. Most religions teach the idea that one is not to judge one another, because that is the job of the ultimate creator or creators. Some argue that it is a sin to kill another human being but are we not compassionate creatures by nature? If a loved one was …show more content…

Death”. (Bio, 2015). While in his residency in the 1950s he became fascinated with death. Kevorkian believed that doctors could use the information to distinguish death from fainting, shock or coma in order to learn when resuscitation was useless. "But really, my number one reason was because it was interesting," Kevorkian told reporters later. "And my second reason was because it was a taboo subject" (Bio, 2015). Dr. Kevorkian was known for inventing the first machine designed for human Euthanasiation called the Mercitron (Bio, 2015). Dr. Kevorkian spent eight years in prison after being convicted of second-degree murder of about 130 ailing patients whose death he assisted; beginning in 1990 (Schneider, 2011). “Dr. Kevorkian had a unique look at what it is a doctors is supposed to do; stating “I’m trying to knock the medical profession into accepting its responsibilities, and those responsibilities include assisting their patients with death.” (Schneider,