Argumentative Essay On Planned Parenthood

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Plenty of controversy surrounds Planned Parenthood. Whether it is Republicans fighting for it to be defunded, doctored videos being released, or religious groups protesting the clinic, Planned Parenthood is no doubt one of the most controversial health clinics in the world. Despite that controversy, there are so many beneficial things they do; however, not only do they help women, but they help men, too. Planned Parenthood educates others, helps those who cannot afford care, and without PP, unplanned pregnancies and abortions would increase significantly. Are you aware of the admirable things they do? Are you aware of what they are or aren’t guilty of? Are you fully educated on this organization? If not, prepare to be enlightened. One reason Planned Parenthood risks being defunded is due to the fact they give abortions. A video, which was edited to make them look abominable, was released by an anti-abortion group in an attempt to make Planned Parenthood lose its funding. The doctored video showed an aborted fetus while doctors can be heard negotiating to sell the fetus tissue and body parts. The editors tried hard to drown PP’s name in lies, but they failed at falsely incriminating them. This caused an uproar against PP, initiating a court case against Planned Parenthood and the president of the organization, Cecile Richards. …show more content…

Not only do they educate and help women, they help men too. It wouldn’t be just women they’re mistreating by defunding this organization, it would be devastating for men, too. Planned Parenthood does STI and STD screening for men, counseling and treatment for HIV, counseling, and referrals for free or low-cost Vasectomy, and give out condoms. Seeing as they do the maximum when it comes to helping others, it’s difficult to believe they would risk being defunded over a statistic and fictitious

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