People love space movies. Science fiction has long been a popular genre in our culture only growing with our technological advances and imaginations. Amongst these, there are genres involving aliens and space travel. Honestly who doesn’t love it? Alright, well it’s not for everyone but the idea of extra-terrestrials is a common theme in popular media and has been for a long time. Even thousands of years ago people looked up at the stars, plotted them, and made guesses about what was out there. Sometimes they were gods, sometimes they were aliens, and in some entertainment we have come to imagine ancient gods as aliens. Surprisingly, though this yearning for and belief in extraterrestrial life isn’t exclusive to science fiction. Many profound …show more content…
“This tells us planets this size have formed for most of the history of the universe,” said Dr. Daniel Harper of the University of Birmingham’s School of Physics. Despite these planets being deemed uninhabitable, for they were positioned too closely to their parent star, it increases our theory that we are not the only planet out there with intelligent life since planets similar to Earth have definitely been forming around stars similar to the Sun for at least 11.2 billion years. Additionally thanks to the Kepler project and other projects in the past few years, we have discovered an increasing number Earth-like planets that are within what is called the habitable zone of stars. This simply means that an Earth-like, rocky planet is within a certain distance from its parent star giving it the potential for liquid water, which is one of the things we figure is absolutely necessary to support life. This does not guarantee intelligent life, but life nonetheless, so these discoveries are all very exciting to