Argumentative Essay On Seatbelts

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In 1996, a law was passed to legally require drivers to wear their seatbelts. In 1998, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act was passed and it required cars to be manufactured with built in and funcional airbags. The first constructed with shock absorbers (suspension) was made in 1901, but now almost every car in the US is made with suspension. Seat Belts, airbags, and suspension make driving safer for drivers and passengers by helping to prevent fatal accidents from occuring. Seatbelts are so important for a person’s safety that they are legally required to be in cars. According to the government website for the CDC, “New York enacted the first belt use law in 1984. Other States soon followed...By 1996, every state, with the exception of New Hampshire, had a mandatory seat belt use law covering drivers and front-seat occupants.” This quote shows New York creating a law for the use of seatbelts, and just after 2 years, almost every state had a law that makes wearing a seatbelt mandatory. This proves that after the states realized …show more content…

According to a website on the history of suspension systems,“The first suspension system has been designed for the light chariots of Ramses around the year of 1296 B.C.” This quote shows the very first use of suspension in automobiles throughout history. This proves that suspension is important in cars because if the concept is still used today, it must useful. According to a website that explains the various safety equipment used in cars,“There are five types of suspension system in common use… Double wishbones… MacPherson-strut suspension… trailing arm… leading arm… Swing axles”. This quote shows the main five suspension systems in most cars. This is a significant quote because suspension is so useful in cars, automobile companies put five suspension systems on their cars to give the driver the most protection and

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