
Argumentative Essay On Seatbelts

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“Give me liberty or give me death,” Patrick Henrys famous cry seems to not mean so much anymore, as depicted in this article. The United States Government has seemed to create their own cry, “Click it or ticket.” It is no secret that seat belts save lives, but should the government be entitled to make personal decisions for the American people? This article does an almost perfect job of explaining government intrusion into Americans lives. Wearing a safety belt is a motorists responsibility or choice, some have different opinions. In 1977 it was clear even with different opinions that Americans did not want the government to make the decision for the motorist, 78% of Americans opposed the law. It is a proven fact that seat belts save lives, but it is also a proven fact that seat belts in certain bizarre cases can do more harm than good. The article explains this on the third page well. “While seat-belt use might save some people in certain traffic accidents, there is amble evidence that in other kinds, people have been more seriously injured and even killed only because they used a seat belt.” Now America has a law that can fine a motorist for having their live saved for opposing this law. The article …show more content…

This quote on the third page, in the loss of freedom section “The greatest cost is really not money. It is the loss of freedom. Seat-belt laws infringe a person’s rights as guaranteed in the Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments.” The constitution seems to not have an impact on politicians decisions now. The seat belt laws generated more money to the states than expected, and that is how the laws spread like wildfire to almost every state in the United States, excluding New Hampshire. The article gives several valid facts that support the articles

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