Argumentative Essay On Sex Trafficking

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The Human Rights First Organization reveals,“4.8 million out of 24.9 million victims of human trafficking are sexually exploited” (Human Trafficking by the Numbers). Sex trafficking is one type of modern-day slavery that is not only a problem in the United States but also around the world, especially in developing countries. Victims are either kidnapped or forced into prostitution and up to 99 billion dollars are being profited from it each year (Ford). Many traffickers are unsympathetic to the situation and the effect it has on the victims. Sex trafficking must be recognized and acknowledged for it to end once and for all. The U.S Justice Department estimates that 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked in United States each year. Sex-trafficking usually happens around large immigrant population states such as California, Texas, and Georgia. In Georgia, Atlanta’s illegal sex-industry earns up to 290 million dollars a year (Ford). According to Urban Institute,“some traffickers in Atlanta make more than thirty-two thousand dollars a week” (Ford). U.S Congress has passed the End Modern Slavery Initiative hoping that it would stop human trafficking in some way in the United States (Holtan). In United States, many victims are lured by predators …show more content…

Many victims believe they are the offender because they commited a crime since prostitution is illegal and they fear the law enforcement (Alvarez). There are many cases that are not reported because the victims are silence and the traffickers “threatening to call the police and report them for prostitution if they push back” according to Villa, the CEO of Thomson Reuters Foundation whose provide the world news and information (Alvarez). Sometimes human trafficking cases can be challenging to find and prosecute since local police may not think that it is a concern in their

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