
Argumentative Essay On Student Debt

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The word argument possesses multiple meanings which, like college argumentative writing, people have their own stance on. I have found that in college writing an “argument” is a claim or opinion on a topic to which the writer explains and supports his opinion using factual evidence. Furthermore, there are many different types of argumentative papers, one of them being a position argument. Similar to any argument, the goal of a position argument is for the author to state their viewpoint or opinion on a controversial topic and use factual evidence and research to convince readers that their stance is valid. There are thousands of controversial topics in the world today and many of them I have a strong opinion of. Some topics I would be interested …show more content…

Student debt not only puts an individual in a financial crisis but also delays major life events and decisions in their life. For so long the money earned with a degree out of college far outweighed the money made without. However, as the dollar continues to lose its value and jobs continue to keep the same wages, students with college debt can hardly breathe let alone begin a life of their own. More and more we see college graduates drowning in their student debt, struggling to find a job, even having to live back with their parents to make ends meet. Sadly, these are just some of the struggles that debt imposes upon the common person. Furthermore, student debt has been linked to delayed first-time home buying, getting married, starting a family, and retirement. Nowadays, the money to obtain a college degree is hard to justify when there are thousands of degree-free jobs that pay the same if not more salary than jobs that do require a …show more content…

The working class, which contains the majority of college attendees, are told over and over again that a bachelor's degree is the key to success and social freedoms. However, what many do not realize is the drastic cost that obtaining that degree has and the crippling effects that cost has on life. Today, those social freedoms can be obtained without the burden of debt. For example, while a mechanical engineer comes out of college with $20,000 of student debt and gets a job that pays $60,000 a year, another individual is making $55,000 right out of high school working for Amazon with no debt at all. Unfortunately, the fact that jobs that require degrees pay only slightly more and even sometimes less than degreeless jobs is a sad reality that individuals need to realize. Why spend years of time, effort, and money on obtaining a degree when you can start earning good money right out of highschool? On another note, paying off student debt can no longer be done in a few years. Furthermore, the average student loan takes around 21 years to pay off. 21 years where that money could go towards buying a house, buying a car, starting a family, or saving for retirement. As you can see, student debt is hardly “worth it”

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