Argumentative Essay On Ted Talk

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The topic of the Ted Talk that we watched was to get out and do things, don 't quit, and to make the world a gooder place. The ideas that I think are important is to never quit and make the world better. I can make many connections between this and my life. One is that I never give up and I have dreams of making the world better. There are many messages in the Ted Talk that are worth noting. First he says to never give up. This is a good message because as teenagers today, we never really get the motivation to keep going, we start something and if it is hard then we give up. But the message is the motivation we need and as adults and teachers they should be telling us this, for anyone who has been successful has never quit. Another message is to make the world a better place. This is also a very good message because the world at the moment is not the best place, and as teenagers mainstream media usually points at us negativity and unhelpful things. For example the music of today is very inappropriate as it promotes violence, sex, and drugs. …show more content…

For example he tell us to stop be boring and change the world. Some people may say, “But I can’t I 'm not good enough or big enough for this position.” Or something like that. But the things I listed above are nothing but excuses, and anyone who has changed the world has got off their butt and started doing something. For example Martin Luther King Jr. took a stand in his beliefs and decided to do something about what he was was wrong and what he saw was right. This is a successful person, and this successful person didn 't just quit or stop or make excuses. He also challenges us to try and take action. He challenges us to take a stand for what is right and for what we believe in. He challenges us to make a difference, do something, just stop standing around and waiting for an opportunity. He challenges us to make the