Argumentative Essay On The Holocaust

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“The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.” A quote from Tim Holden. 5The Holocaust was a systematic mass murder of six million Jewish people by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi army. Adolf Hitler and his Nazis came into power in January 1933. They believed that German people were more “racially superior” than the Jewish people or any of their neighbouring countries. The Holocaust was a very traumatic event that caused world citizens to realize how cruel humans can be. To prove that the Holocaust was a traumatic event, one must examine what the holocaust was, the concentration …show more content…

What is the holocaust? “To me, the Holocaust stands alone as the most horrible human event in modern civilization.” -Robert Shapirohttps. The world “Holocaust” translates to two Greek words being “Kaustos” which means burned and “Holos” which means whole, these words were often used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar, which is similar to what occurred in 1933 sponsored by Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust lasted from 1933-1945.2 Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889. Hitler served in WWI, after WWI he joined a group called the The National Socialist German Workers' Party which supported the ideology of Nasizm. He was sent to prison and while he was there he wrote a book titled “Mein Kampf” which translates to “My Struggle” in the english language. This book of Hitler's predicted the Holocaust. Hitler had the idea that Jewish people were a threat to Germany, and that they were the reason for Germany's defeat in World War I. Hitler’s anti-semitic thoughts prompted him to come up with a plan called “The Final Solution” which involved him eliminating the entire Jewish race and compiling his own “pure race” which he would call the Aryans. He believed that

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