Argumentative Essay On Tyranny

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When my mom grounds me, she grounds me in a bad way. First, she takes away all my privileges such as going outside with my friends or just taking my phone away. Then she punishes me the wrong way, for example let's say I get a detention in Mr Carbajal’s History class, she will literally ruin my Friday by screaming at me and making me clean the whole house and not have any freedom for over just a detention. This is trying to say that my mom is the tyranny in this situation. A tyranny is a person who is given all the power to himself or herself to dominate a country. For example, President James Madison wanted a constitution that will frame a strong central government with most of the power, but was afraid to create to create a tyranny at the same time. So Madison decided to divide the federal government in branches. The framers of the constitution avoided tyranny by using federalism, separating federal power/checks and balances, and small/large state compromise. One way how tyranny was avoided was by using federalism. On 1788, President James Madison wrote on the Federalist Papers talking about splitting the power between the federal government and the people of the states. For example, he …show more content…

For example, if you were a dad with two kids, you would give each kid certain privileges. The oldest would get more privileges and the youngest would get less privileges. But also both of them should be equal and one brother should not be powerful than the other in privileges. This is a great example on how tyranny was avoided between the federal government’s power and the state’s power. All of these ideas put together equals a well balanced government with not to much power and not a tyranny. Thanks to James Madison’s ideas, it resulted that a tyranny would not be part of the constitution and not be allowed in