
Argumentative Essay: Scotland's Fight For Independence

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Scotland’s Fight for Independence
There is a debate in Scotland about whether or not to be independent or to stay with the United Kingdom. There are two opposing positions in this ongoing debate. In 2011, the Scottish National Party won a majority in the Scottish parliament. They are the ones who support independence. The Scottish National Party wanted to hold a referendum to vote on independence. Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond supports the idea of Scotland being independent because he believes that Scotland is a country of success, wealth, and other resources. He believes that Scotland could have a big chance of being very powerful. David Cameron, who used to be the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, says that Scotland should stay with the UK because they are stronger unified.
The independence seekers give many reasons for wanting to separate from the United Kingdom. Scotland says that the oil from the North Sea is their oil and they shouldn’t be taxed for something that belongs to them. An oil fund, such as what’s happening in Norway would definitely make their country a lot wealthier. The UK makes many …show more content…

Scotland is very close to the UK with culturally and economically. The Kingdom of Great Britain, which is now called the United Kingdom, united in 1707. The people supporting staying with the U.K believe that if Scotland didn’t have the UK, then they wouldn’t be very stable. They think that they are more stable being part of a bigger union. If Scotland breaks away from the U.K, then they would possibly have to get all new money because the UK might not let them use the pound because of the separation and the economy. If Scotland was independent, then they would have to raise their taxes because they wouldn’t have enough money to support the independent country. Running a newly independent country would be very difficult without enough

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