
Argumentative Essay: Should America Be Pro Space Exploration?

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People in America should not be pro space exploration. The American people are wasting money on failed or cancelled space exploration projects and rockets that pollute our atmosphere. Most Americans agree that something else needs to be done with their own money, like sending it to a fund that aid third world countries. Americans would know by doing that, their money is making a difference.
We, the U.S. citizens, are wasting money on launching rockets into space that have a high chance of failure. While most of NASAs’ projects are very safe and often succeed, the risk of failure is astronomical. According to Popular Science “Over a span of twenty years, NASA has spent over $20,000,000,000 (20 billion) on cancelled projects.” They have also wasted, “$46,000,000,000 (46 billion) on canceled weapon programs as well.” With this amount of money wasted on failed projects and weapon programs, imagine what construction projects we could have done. We could have built many homeless shelters and funded work programs to aid the homeless and decrease poverty. “Also, in the year of 2005 alone, the average person paid a $54 tax to Nasa’s Space Exploration Program.” This means citizens’ money is going down …show more content…

Many scientists believe pollution in the air is breaking down Earth’s ozone layer, but they are very curious about what planet can people can inhabit once Earth is uninhabitable. According to Scientific American.com, “The result is many rockets get launched into space polluting the atmosphere.” If you were to look and see when scientist start to notice when the ozone layer was starting to breaking down, it was during the space age when many countries were launching rockets into space. If we were to stop launching jet propelled rockets, that pollute the air, Earth could be more “healthy” making the air in the world better for the plants and animals that live on its

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