Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Free?

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Should College Be Free? In the United States, one of the most major problems that you hear people complain about recently is the price of college, along with their student loans. Colleges can range from $10,000 up to $75,000, causing for many students to either have to take out thousands of dollars in loans, or to have to make the decision to not continue with their education. Because of this, there has been much debate on whether or not college should be free, at least the public two year colleges. The New York Times put out a debate on this topic, asking if they believe that you should be able to attend a public college without having to pay ridiculous amounts of money in order to do so. Andrew Kelly, a resident scholar and the director of …show more content…

As Goldrick-Rab states, todays financial aid is providing “too little to too few.” Our current financial aid programs simply do not give enough of their supposed aid to all the people that need the help, it pits people against each other as they work to get this aid, each one deserving, yet few getting the small amounts of help provided. After getting the financial aid, those recipients are always degraded as lazy, simply not working for the money that their family lacks, despite how difficult it is to get money in our current economy that’s tearing at the middle and lower classes. Once we have more people with the ability to go to college, then we can reach our potential as an educated society, showing that talent is not based on income or how well off your family is financially. With more students in school rather than going straight to the work force, we will have more students with better, acquired skills that they enjoy, so then we can have these people doing what they love, instead of settling for what they have to do in order to get by in our