Argumentative Essay: Should College Tuition Be Free

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According to Advanced American Dictionary, the term “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” is defined as “used to say that you should not expect to get something good or valuable without having to pay for it or make any effort.” From this point, everything that is free could be considered worthless. Consequently, free post-secondary education, as well as a free lunch, unfortunately, is diminished in its value. Although the topic of making public higher education free has been mostly discussed over the last period of time by many educational officials and politicians, it still remains a hot subject for deliberations. Would free post-secondary education decrease the value of a college degree? Would free tuition college offer more opportunities for students? Numerous research studies and articles try to influence public opinion about the subject, revealing pro and con arguments, and the following articles from The New York Times "Room for Debate: Should College Tuition Be Free?" provide evidence why or why not college tuition should be free. While disapproved by the majority of people, I consider that college tuition should not be free …show more content…

College is a specific environment that has its own expectations and rules, and students who seek enrollment should take into account that the gates are open only for those who are willing to excel and thrive academically. A cruel reality faced in college could be far away from students’ expectations. Paying for tuition, students become more responsible for their learning process, taking authority of their knowledge. Before enrolling in a class, students will consider their chances to pass it on the first attempt rather than spending money for a second or even a third chance. Thus, college tuition should be perceived as an investment in a new project, college degree, that becomes profitable at the time of successful