Starting in 2017, San Francisco will be the first major city to require rooftop solar systems on all new buildings under ten stories. Thanks to the new mandate, the city will eliminate 26,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with every 200 installations. Solar energy has been a long debated potential energy source throughout the entire world. Yet a third way, discovered in 1878, but commercially developed within the last few decades, is to produce electricity directly, without having to produce heat (Hayden). Ever since, it was thought to be a future energy source, solar energy has been a controversial topic in the world. Supporters of solar energy believe it is a cleaner source of energy; while critics of solar energy believe …show more content…
Since the rising pollution issues, people are wondering if there should be a switch to solar energy. First, energy now is created from fossil fuels that were formed millions of years ago. For instance, fossil fuels are taken from the ground and are then burned in order to create electricity, or they are refined to be used for heating and transportation (U.S. Department of Energy). This fact suggests that energy now is being created from things that are millions of years old. Next, solar rays are emitted from the sun and can then be used as a source of energy called solar energy. To define, solar rays travel in groups called photons and when they arrive to the earth, they interact with the atmosphere and the surface of the planet (Solar Energy). This explains how light travels from the sun to earth, where it can then be turned into energy. Finally, there are many ways that solar power is used …show more content…
To begin with, people who agree say that solar energy is a cleaner source of energy. For example, no greenhouse gasses or atmospheric emissions are emitted while using photovoltaics to produce electricity making it a good source of energy (Hamer). This evidence suggests that when using solar energy, there are no gasses that are created that can affect the atmosphere. Following this, there are those who would back the idea that solar energy is cheaper for people. For instance, electricity bills will be cheaper and customers will enjoy a cleaner environment when they switch to the use of solar energy (Hamer). This evidence suggests that using solar energy is cheaper for people than fossil fuel energy. Hence, many who defend solar energy think that solar energy is reliable. In one case, solar electric systems have been tested by many organizations to be silent and have no moving parts (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). This evidence suggests that solar energy technologies work good and have no problems. On the whole, supporters state that the use of solar energy is cleaner for the environment, cheaper for people, and reliable. And with those who support solar energy, there are also those who oppose