Argumentative Essay: The Murder Of William Bonin

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Upon William Bonin’s arrest, one of his accomplices was arrested. William Ray Pugh was arrested in May of 1980 for stealing a car. During his time in prison, he met with a counselor on a weekly basis. While in one of his counseling sessions, he proclaimed that he worked with William Bonin on these murder cases. This got taken directly to the police, and they tried to make a deal with Willaim Pugh. If he got a shorter sentence for stealing, they would be able to further the investigation on William Bonin. Pugh agreed to this deal and gave them all the information they needed on William Bonin in further interviews (Montaldo). He told the police about how he and Bonin met, along with every murder and kidnapping that he was a part of. The cops used this evidence to their advantage to start the hunt for Bonin (“Where are they now?”). …show more content…

(Rasmussen). Bonin was taken to the Los Angeles County prison when he was arrested. He sat in on many interrogation sessions and denied everything that was asked. Willaim Bonin eventually gave in on everything being asked and admitted to killing 21 young men and boys over the years (Montaldo). During those interrogation sessions, he admitted to raping, kidnapping, and murdering each and every boy he layed his hands on. He also admitted to having accomplices in every murder; thus, he gave the police all of their names