Erin Johnson Why Not Theatre? THR121-004 February 2nd 2015 Why Not Theatre? Not everyone is interested in attending the theatre. Theatre has been struggling more lately to remain strong and live up to the pressures of other forms of art such as film, books, and music. In order to change this, the causes of decreased interest and selective interest need to be thoughtfully addressed. The cost, topics, and location are some main causes that stand out for limiting average groups of people from experiencing this particular art form. The most publicized types of theatre are not seen as affordable for a large amount of people, especially considering it is not a necessity. Unless you are looking at types of theatre that are not typically in the realm …show more content…
People that are not very familiar with theatre productions are told that the best bet for good quality theatre is there. So, as a result of these two facts, it has become difficult to get first-time audience members to understand the value. It can be seen as unattainable. The majority of people do not have that kind of money to spend on entertainment. Plus, it is important for there to be more education regarding what that money is going towards, and the effect it has on the economy of the community that the production is held in. The money spreads throughout communities and helps the economy while paying for the actors, costumes, props, rights to the plays themselves, the venue, and a ton of other necessary items to create the best experience. It is even more of an uphill battle to explain these advantages when other art forms tend to be accessible for cheap prices if not free. Libraries provide the opportunity to rent books, music can be listened to with free downloads or on YouTube, films are listed online and many other sources. Value is constantly on the consumers’ minds. Soothing this concern by educating more widely about where this money is going may help theatre