Oratory Speech: Being Optimistic

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Oratory Speech: Being Optimistic From the beginning of our lives, all of us have experienced some form of embarrassment. And for me, I tend to drop a lot of things. A while back, I was at a party with a lot of people I knew. My parents, my friends, and their parents were all there. I had two slices of pizza on my plate. They were the last slices of pizza, and I was getting them for my friend. While I was walking, I didn’t realize that my plate was slightly tilted, and soon one of my slices fell off my plate. Almost everyone there witnessed this, and they all started laughing. I was really embarrassed. So I went to throw it away, and as I was doing that, the other slice fell off my plate, once again because I had been holding the plate at …show more content…

Today we know that the reason for this lies in our genetic makeup. Our ancestors were keenly aware of negative circumstances and consequences, like predators and other dangers, because it helped them survive. Now, in the modern era, we no longer have the need to run from predators, yet this evolutionary imprint of a negative bias still remains within us. This tells us that our brains are wired to automatically look for the negatives. And this is probably the reason why many of us have a negative attitude for everyday things, and why, when we suffer through a setback, we feel blocked from making further progress. Our minds unconsciously look into the negative aspect of things, because that’s what our ancestors did for generations. And many of us are so used to negative thinking, we’ve been doing it our entire lives, so much so that we’re often not even aware that we’re doing …show more content…

Soon, he had more than fifty malignant tumors in his lungs. At this time, he was only 22 years old. Fortunately for him, his sister dedicated her life to make the last months of his life the best they possibly could be for him. She filled it with happy and positive experiences for him. In May of 2014, Christopher passed away. And instead of the last year of his life being dreary and depressing, it was full of happy and meaningful experiences. My small embarrassing moments of dropping things are so insignificant when compared to what Christopher had to go through. I have a family and the rest of my life, something that Christopher lost. So many of us have so many blessings in our life that we take for granted. Psychologists call it hedonic adaptation. When we get something good in our lives, we often feel like we don’t have much, and we’ll still think about the things we don’t have. Like when a person gets a new phone, they’ll still be sad because they don’t have the latest laptop, or car, even when the laptop and car you have are still relatively new and functioning perfectly. Hedonic adaptation is our natural psychological tendency for us to dismiss what we have and take what we have everyday for granted. Looking at what we don’t have drags us down. There is still a large portion of the world that lives on less than $2.50 a