Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

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Organ donation happens worldwide and can save many lives. When choosing to become an organ donor only certain organs can be donated. Organ transplants tend to be very expensive but, there is no price for a life. Tons of young and old people need these transplants and continuously wait on a list till it is their turn. People can donate organs before and after death but some organ transplants cause people to need additional hospitalization. Sometimes the operation can cause people to have future pains and ailments. Due to all of the positive impacts organ donation has, this should be a considered option to everyone.
“I think you should automatically donate your organs because that would turn the balance of organ donation in a huge way. I would donate whatever anybody would take, and I 'd probably do the cremation bit. The level of impact one person or body can have by donating …show more content…

There is no age limit, but if under the age of eighteen the parents of the donor must give consent to authorize the decision (Mayo Clinic Staff). As different excuses have attempted to be form to reason for not becoming a donor the Mayo Clinic Staff proved that organ donation stands consistent with the beliefs of most major religions (Mayo Clinic Staff). Any person can donate their organs, but not all of the organs would be needed so what is keeping people from donation? Every hospital has different requirements for someone to become an organ donor, 30% of which need to be resubmitted (Unos Staff). Right now 58 organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and 261 transplant centers are in the world, making not much that can keep people from becoming an organ donor (Success Rates of Transplants). If thought of it as a donors friend or family member needing an organ that they have they might think twice about their decision before saying no. Submitting to more than one hospital for organ donation gives a higher chance of saving one or many