
Arguments Against Abortion

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On the other hand, dissenters believe that people who get abortion have little values for human life and think that it is okay to prevent a human being from being born. Supporters of pro life feel that women are murdering their child with abortion as if they were throwing out old food. Procon states, “The legalization of abortion sends a message that human life has little value. Pope Francis condemned "'the throwaway culture'" in Jan. 2014, stating that "what is thrown away is not only food and dispensable objects, but often human beings themselves, who are discarded as 'unnecessary'. For example, it is frightful even to think there are children, victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day..." People are getting rid of humans as …show more content…

Supporters of pro life also thinks not only are committing murder: theyyou are committing murder to someone who can't even fight back. Another reason why opponents are against abortion is because the women just doesn't get rid of their child because of their health, they also do it because there child would be born with medical problems. The authors of “Abortion” Rich and and Wagner states, “The law prohibits doctors from committing an “overt act” designed to kill a partially delivered fetus even if the woman’s health is at risk, or if the child would be born with ailments.” They are not only murdering an innocent child, they are murdering a child that they think would not be good in this world. Non supporters of abortion say this is inhumane and incredibly unspeakable. They feel the woman doesn't want to have an “imperfect” child that would not be “normal.” Pro life supporters agree with the law that states they are not aloud to have an abortion for those reasons but many women may and will attempt to do it on their own if they are shut down. They will do whatever it takes to get rid of a poor child they don't want: even if it means going to

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