Arguments Against Animal Testing

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For this debate, our team has taken the stance against the use of animals to test foods, cosmetics, body products, pharmaceuticals and drugs. The first challenge we encountered was how were we going to approach this argument. Is it ethical to use animals for testing and experiments? Are the results of testing animals reliable? What are the alternatives that can be used to avoid the use of animals and provide reliable results? What are the negative effects of using animals for testing?

After much discussions, we have decided to divide our arguments into five which were whether is it ethical using animals for various experiments; the reliability of animal testing; alternatives that can be used to avoid the use of animals; the negative effects of testing on animals and whether it is necessary to use animals. I will be presenting and explaining animal testing in laboratories. There is a huge misconception in this topic as many people think that many experiment are not painful therefore …show more content…

But can they suffer?” Vivisection meaning the process of using invasive techniques on animals for testing is the worst form of animal abuse in laboratories. Imagine as a human being living in a locked cage without having any control over your life and you can’t choose when and what to eat and drink. You don’t know what is the next atrocious experiment or substance you will be submitted to. This is what animals in laboratories go through; laboratories are places of deprivation, misery and isolation ("Harm and Suffering | Animal Use in Research", 2016). The question that may arise is “Do animals have feeling similar to humans?” The answer to this controversial question is humans and animals share common mechanism of pain detection. It has been scientifically proven that animals involve similar areas of the brain when feeling pain ("Can animals feel pain?",