
Arguments Against Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana has been a topic of much discussion in the United States for many years. Much of the discussion has been focused on whether or not to legalize the use of marijuana. There has been a recent increase in the number of states that allow the use of medical marijuana (Robinson, 2017). However, there has also been an increase in the number of states that have allowed the legalization of marijuana for recreational use (Hanson, 2017). Although we have seen an increase, there is still much controversy that surrounds the topic of the legalization of marijuana. This paper will focus on the controversy surrounding the legalization of marijuana, the author’s personal position on the issue, the position of those for and against legalization, …show more content…

This group would benefit from the legalization of marijuana because it will no longer be a criminal offense if they have possession of small amounts of marijuana. Also, they will benefit from being able to buy marijuana legally, from retail stores rather than the black market, which can be dangerous and is illegal. Author’s Position and Rational: The author of this paper believes the best thing to do is to allow for the legalization of marijuana. The author does not agree with the fact that alcohol is legal, but marijuana is not. Those opposed to legalizing marijuana argue that marijuana causes negative cognitive effects (FIND CITATION FOR THIS). However, there is an extensive amount of research that shows alcohol also alters brain activity (FIND CITATION FOR THIS). If alcohol can be legal, the author of this paper believes that marijuana should be as well. It is important to point out, that the author of this paper does not morally agree with the use of drugs and smoking in general. However, she does not believe that this should make marijuana illegal. Everyone has their own view on the issue and if a person chooses to use marijuana, then they should be able to make that decision on their own. People will use it whether it is legal or …show more content…

Investigators are limited by the amount of clinical trials they can conduct on the positive effects of marijuana due to the limited funds provided to them by the federal government since marijuana is a Schedule I drug (Monte, Zane, & Heard, 2015). Those who are for the legalization of marijuana believe that the federal government is limiting the research that can be done on marijuana and are making it difficult for the possibility of new findings to be

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