Arguments Against Stem Cell Research

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Stem cell research has had an influence in today’s society. It has caused many arguments in Congress and throughout the world. Many religious groups have argued that using stem cells are against the laws of nature. They also have argued that it is morally and ethically wrong. Throughout the nation, conflict has risen to an all-time high. By using stem cells, it causes great pain and chaos throughout America when laws are removed or approved on stem cell research. This chaos places America in an uncomfortable position. It places America on a line when it comes to choosing what side it wants to be on.
Stem cells are a class of similar cells that are able to turn into a specialized cell type. This means that stem cells can turn into any cell that …show more content…

There is one that says that the Pro-Life groups only have a problem with the funding towards stem cell research. Another consists of whether a cell has a soul or not. However, as these arguments keep coming, scientists have stated that "The list of diseases treatable with adult stem cells grows longer every day," (The Stem Cell Storm; Wagner). These stem cells have become a beacon in a field that at once thought many of those diseases or health issues would never be curable. It has become a beacon of hope to many that thought they were going nowhere else in life. These stem cells could improve a lot of lives in the future. Stem cells could replace neurons that were damaged by strokes, spinal injuries, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, or any other kind of neurological problem. They could help replace heart muscle cells that were found damaged after a heart attack and could help produce insulin that could treat adults and children with diabetes. All of these diseases and problems could be cured with the help of stem cells, but many people do not want them to be used. They are not seeing the benefits of stem cells. They only see that scientists are destroying a human life …show more content…

It has caused many conflicts to arise throughout the nation. These arguments vary, according to whomever someone asks. However, they revolve around the same topic: Is it morally or ethically right to use embryos as research experiments? Many people have said that stem cells should be used, while other have said no to the idea. This debate has led to a rift in our society. It has led to an ongoing conflict in Congress, in laboratories, and even in homes. It has led to many marches and protests against and for stem cell research. Stem cell research is good for the development of a society. It is good for the cures that are being found through them. However, it is not good when it comes to ethical issues. It is not good for campaigning ideas. Stem cell research has left a major impact on today’s society. It just depends on what someone believes in for their decision to be