Arguments For Abortion Essay

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Abortion is the medical or surgical termination of a pregnancy and is one of the oldest, most common and most controversial medical procedures (Gale 1). Women mainly get abortions if they are young, pressured responsibly, or if they do not have enough money to support it. There are many options on how to terminate a pregnancy. The first, early non-surgical abortion, is preformed when the woman is in the first 2-10 weeks of her pregnancy. This is where a drug is given to stop the development of the pregnancy. Second, vacuum aspiration procedure, is done within the first 2-12 weeks. Vacuum aspirations are preformed by using suction from a small vacuum tool to remove the fetus from the uterus. Third is the dilation and evacuation procedure and …show more content…

Fourth is labor induction and is preformed when the woman is in her 13 to 21/22 weeks of pregnancy. Labor induction is where drugs are given to terminate, or kill the fetus, and doctors remove the fetus later. Fifth, dilation and extraction is preformed in the woman 's second trimester, 13 to 21/22 weeks of pregnancy. Dilation and extraction is illegal and also known as partial-birth abortion. This type of abortion is only legal when necessary to save the mothers life. Doctors pull out the baby and cut an incision in the back of the child 's head in order to suction out the child 's skull. Lastly, hysterotomy is preformed in weeks 28 to 38 of pregnancy. Hysterotomy is a medical procedure similar to a c-section, only a smaller incision is required and is only preformed when labor induction is not possible or fails. The procedure is the removal of the unborn child by cutting open the abdomen and uterus and killing the child before removing it. One in three women will have an abortion in her life time, most during the first trimester of pregnancy (Stopes 1). Overall, abortions have been a very common argument between the pro-life and pro-choice