
Arguments For Escaping Salem

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Escaping Salem asserts the tension to be the conflict between the laws of man and the laws of God. Why it is important is that it illustrates the struggle between the superstitious and the logical over the nature and efficacy of witchcraft that permeates New England culture. As a result, Stamford court magistrates are conflicted in their duty to the law versus their obligation to their community in providing security and comfort from “witches.” Thus, much care is taken with criteria establishing conviction and indictment on witchcraft. Without such criteria, those alleged to commit witchcraft would be at the mercy of the Puritanical mob. As Godbeer especially notes in the afterword, there was a general belief by New Englanders in the world to be run by divine beings which was challenged by those who touted science as the new perspective (141). Yet, throughout the narrative, individuals like William Jones are instrumental in establishing processes in which Clawson and Disborough could be fully tried for witchcraft with respect to Puritan theology. The reasoning being would be to weed out those who would have potentially committed curses and spells from others who would be targeted due to petty neighbor disputes. However, both Clawson and Disborough have …show more content…

Although, the judges would take this as circumstantial evidence and would heavily advise the jury not to be easily swayed and convict outside of the parameters. In fact, some trials would result in the judges overriding the jury’s verdict due to them not following procedure. This is especially evident of the disconnect with the majority of the public that would have little understanding of theology and law in contrast to the court officials who are well-versed within the literature. This disconnect would be even greater considering on how witchcraft works within the Puritan

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