
Arguments For Writing An Essay

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Ch. 1 Questions: 1. The difference between an opinion and a fact is that an opinion is one’s belief of a subject, whereas a fact is true and can be proven. An opinion is like one’s attitude of a subject and how he or she feels about it. Facts provide arguments to maintain a good essay. 2. Facts are very important in an essay because they can prove one’s opinion, but opinions are more important because they affect the entire essay. Facts can be good cohorts in writing since opinions need backup such as a general and his troops. 3. All opinions are equivalent as long as there is enough evidence to support the opinion.
4 Assuming that the writer has acceptable background info, the American foreign policy would be a great general subject supposing …show more content…

“Clothes You Make Yourself” seems like a great essay topic because it can be arguable whether you should buy clothes or make it yourself. Also, it seems interesting on how to make clothes on your own instead of buying clothes. “Cars for Teen-Agers” is probably the best topic in the group because it can be debated about things like age and safety. It seems like a good topic that people talk about today. Is it better to start young? Is it better to start later for safety? “Moby Dick, America’s Greatest” is the better topic because it shows opinion that it is the greatest in which people are to dispute about. It is to be talked about whether that is the greatest or another book is. “The Student Council is Outmoded” is the best topic out of the rest because it shows, a judgment while the others are just titles with no belief. This topic can be argued whether it is outmoded and how it is outmoded. 6. A typical term paper mostly consists of facts only that supports the topic. An essay starts with an opinion that affects the facts to support that opinion. The essay is bolstered around an opinion. 7. “Edison Invented the Electric- Light Bulb” has many flaws because this topic has no belief. This is a fact that is also too specific to be a decent

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