Arhodomonas Seminole Lab Report

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Arhodomonas Seminole is an aerobic, halophilic bacterium enriched from salty, crude-oil-impacted soil and has been discovered in Seminole Co, Oklahoma. About 8-10% of the genes within the genetic sequence of Arhotomonas Seminole are broken between two pieces, totaling about 750 separate contigs. Our goal was to generate DNA sequence data for a gap in a particular region in order to bring 2 larger pieces together. We needed to predict adjacent contigs based on what is known in a related species, and we were going to prove this using processes such as PCR and DNA sequencing. In order to complete the PCR reaction, we required forward and reverse primers. We obtained these by using fused contig sequences that we inputted into a blastX website, which then outputted the primer sequences. Once we had these primers we were able to complete our PCR reaction and proceed to a process called Agarose gel electrophoresis. This process allowed us to visualize our results and determine the DNA fingerprint, which was revealed in the pattern of the PCR product size. This allowed us to determine …show more content…

It requires salt and grows on a wide variety of carbon sources (Canaan, 2014). After extracting the DNA from the genome of the bacteria Arohodomonas Seminole, it was left in 750 pieces. About 8-10% of the genes are broken between two pieces, and these broken pieces are known as contigs. We needed to map the genome using PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction, to identify the gaps in the genetic information. Our mission was to determine what was missing in the DNA, generate a novel sequence of the gap, and put the two together. Ultimately, planning to “fill in the blanks.” We hypothesize that the end of Contig 637 is the head end that matches to the tail of Contig 375. After PCR, we will examine the copied DNA by gel electrophoresis to see if we had a successful

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