Ariana Snow Research Paper

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Ariana Snow was born into a future of crime, death, and uncertainty. It was the year 2050, and technology was evolving at a rapid rate. Most big diseases and illnesses were cured, such as cancer and alzheimer 's. However, this caused other problems. The world’s population increased dramatically with no one dying from diseases. So the government eventually gave clearance to send a mass amount of people to mars, and it was alright. People were living there no problem, and things were fine. Then a man named Jack Acer changed everything. He was a brilliant scientist, the main contributor to killing cancer, as his hypothesis was successful. Wanting to take his research a step further, he developed a drug that he claimed would grant immortality. The …show more content…

Codenamed RAVEN, it’s the most powerful asset the rebels have. However, it is built more for stealth and reconnaissance, rather than full on combat. So a few well placed bullets could put you out of commission if you aren’t careful. Ariana has trained with the suit religiously, knowing the ins and outs fully. She sneaks down the stairs to the third floor and plans her assault.
“Ok, the first two guys are on opposite ends of the floor, I should be able to subdue them with no problem.” Ariana navigates her way through the floor, slowly creeping up on the soldier on the east

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