Aristotle's Meaning Of Happiness

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Aristotle’s meaning of Happiness

Aristotle is a Greek Philosopher who had many philosophical visions about how humans live their lives, and understanding human nature. His concepts can be considered controversial, but in many ways he speaks the truth about cases such as human happiness and virtue. Aristotle presented his vision by making others around him question what happiness truly is. He believes that happiness is to live well, were we as humans are already oriented for living; it is all about us succeeding the goals we have put out to ourselves. To Aristotle happiness is described as a long-term process, which you cannot have all at once. (Sachs, pg. 3, 2002) “I will argue that Aristotle is right to say that human happiness cannot be defined in terms of pleasure, wealth, or honour, but must rather consist in developing and maintaining a virtuous character. To defend Aristotle’s view, I will focus on his reasoning for ruling out pleasure, wealth, and honour, as well as consider why Aristotle’s reasoning is compelling, and why it makes sense to think in a philosophical matter about true happiness”.

What is happiness to Aristotle?

Aristotle had his own beliefs on the definition of happiness, and what it means to be happy. He believed happiness is expressed through living well and accomplishing goals, which are adapted for human nature. Happiness is not expressed through how you may feel, but how one thrives in their daily tasks. Aristotle believed that we are