Aristotle's Traits Of Character Analysis

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A virtue is an acquired human quality that allows one to achieve personal happiness. Virtue is also by definition the moral excellence of a person where a morally excellent person has a character made up of virtues also known as good. Most of the ancient thinkers came to ethics by asking “what traits of character make someone a good person?” As a result, “the virtues” occupied centre stage in their discussion. According to Aristotle, a virtue is a trait of character manifested in habitual action that is good for a person to have. For example, virtues for a teacher would be being knowledgeable, articulate and patient. Virtues help us to fit in society, practices and activities we have chosen to participate in. This is because virtues are recognized …show more content…

We seek out for people for different purposes, and this affects which virtues are relevant. For example, in looking for an auto mechanic, we want someone who is skilful, honest and conscientious. But we also assess people as people in a more general way, so we also have the concept of a good person which is known as moral virtues. In compliance to this, there is an arisen question on what the virtues are and which traits of character should be cultivated in human beings. In Aristotle’s approach, he included a list of virtues which can be applied to many situations we find ourselves in on an everyday basis. This includes virtues such as fairness, self-discipline, loyalty and moderation. I will be elaborating on each of the virtues mentioned in the later part of this. As mentioned earlier, according to Aristotle, a virtue is the mean by reference to two vices where one of excess and the other of deficiency. First, I would like to explain on the virtue of fairness. Fairness here means treating people in a way that does not favour some over others. Fairness is a mean between the extremes of justice and injustice where the action is justified if we treat others like how we would want them to treat us while it is an unjustly action if we lie or falsely or harshly condemn about