Arizona May Be Home To The Newest Tech Industry Forge Case Study

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Arizona May Be Home to the Newest Tech Industry Surge Currently, Silicon Valley is the start-up mecca of the United States. In fact, 78 percent of investments towards startups go to companies located in California, New York, or Massachusetts. The newest location for startups however isn’t on either of the two coasts; the next major tech industry hub is in the Southwest — in Phoenix, Arizona. The number of tech companies in Arizona has grown by over 300 percent, according to Shannon Selby, the economic development program manager in Phoenix. This growth is not accidental. The conditions in this desert town most famous for its resorts and retirees are ideal for allowing startups to flourish. There are a number of factors that have historically made Phoenix an ideal site for company innovation. In the past, companies such as Inten and Motorola have seen tremendous levels of growth in their Arizona-based businesses due to pro-business policies. Now, the continuous effort to bolster this business positive climate is attracting companies from the more well known Silicon Valley or New York City. Major companies such as Uber and Orb Health have recently opened offices in Phoenix. The lower cost of doing business and of living is a major appeal, but this isn’t the only factor driving both existing businesses and new-ones to the Phoenix area. …show more content…

One example is the #yesPHX movement, which seeks to provide support for new companies. It acts as both support group and breeding ground for new ideas. Additionally, the StartupAZ Foundation exists in order to help new, innovative startups succeed in the area through connection and

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