Arnold Rothstein: Leader In Bootlegging Business

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Given all the information about Luciano’s childhood one can conclude that he had already foresaw the profits from bootlegging well before others. The only lifestyle he was familiar with was one where he was surrounded by followers . Luciano was acting as a leader in crime before he was even out of school. Once he was out of school he had used his street smarts to see opportunities to make money in the real world. Arnold Rothstein was probably the most influential figure in the bootlegging business. Many of the gangsters mentioned before knew Rothstein or had even worked under him. He was born on January 17, 1882 in New York City. His childhood was different from other gangsters because his parents were wealthy and lived a comfortable life. His mother and father were both immigrants who had made money from his fathers business and racketeering. Since his family was well off, he received a great education. Rothstein was skilled in most subjects however he is often considered to be a mathematical genius. This made him different from the other gangsters. Growing up, he was encouraged to take over his fathers business; however, he was much more interested in the criminal lifestyle. His brother, on the other hand, became a rabbi. …show more content…

Arnold Rothstein himself once said, “I always gambled. I can't remember when I didn't. Maybe I gambled just to show my father he couldn't tell me what to do, but I don't think so. I think I gambled because I loved the excitement. When I gambled, nothing else mattered." Taking risks in gambling was similar to taking risk in the bootlegging business and he was always confident in making decisions, often-risky decisions. Rothstein was smart with his money and knew the right risk to

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