
Aromatherapy Holistic Approaches For Anxiety And Depression

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Nutritional supplements and aromatherapy holistic approaches for anxiety and depression appealed to me as I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and have always wanted to try something different than just medicine that the doctor prescribes to me. After taking this course I see that a biopsychosocial perspective is more appealing to me because it takes into account my physical condition, thoughts, beliefs and social expectations, which are factors I believe contributes to my anxiety. For years, many of the doctors I had visited relied on a biomedical model which treated ill health as a physical problem that needs to be cured mostly with medicine. I would tell them my symptoms and they would just hand me a piece of paper with medicine that I should take to fill at the pharmacy. The problem with this model is that it relied heavily on a passive patient role …show more content…

My worldview has shifted from thinking that medicine was the only way to fix anxiety or help me cope with it to believing that it is something that can be manageable when taking all things about myself into account. When looking into nutritional supplements I saw how it explained that each person’s metabolism and body works differently, I suffer from Crohns disease and I felt as if nutrition was a huge factor with how my anxiety affected me. Sometimes my body doesn’t take in all the proper nutrients through food when eating opposed to when someone who doesn’t have Crohns eats. When I saw that something as simple as taking different B-vitamins and probiotics could actually help manage my anxiety it appealed to me because maybe a huge trigger to my anxiety was my Crohns and the way my body takes in nutrients taking a multi-vitamin and probiotics could help with that and maybe that is one of the triggers to my

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