Strong feelings are the downfall of the human race. Humans are easily blinded by emotions, and will usually get sidetracked by that fact. In the short story “The Case of Lady Sannox,” by Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, Lady Sannox is the titular character who cheats on her husband quite frequently. Douglas Stone is one of the many men whom Lady Sannox has an affair with. Doctor Stone is a well-established surgeon, who is also extremely overconfident and arrogant in his skills as a doctor. He usually spends way more money than he actually makes for his profession. The subject matters of arrogance and regret are strong in this story. Arrogance, unfortunately, is the cause of a man’s downfall. Douglas Stone, one of the best surgeons in London, is so arrogant in his skills that he does not fear anything. Being so arrogant also blinds him to the repercussions of being with Lady Sannox. Some other examples of arrogance within the story are Lady Sannox’s affairs with many men. She thinks she is so beautiful that nothing harmful will interrupt her affairs. Not only are all three of the characters arrogant, they also affect each other by casting regret upon themselves. …show more content…
For example, Lord Sannox immediately revealed his regret after carrying out his vengeful plan. “He did not laugh now. Something like fear sharpened and hardened his features.” Douglas Stone also displays a sense of regret when he comes to realize that he had cut out Lady Sannox’s lower lip due to his blind arrogance. Of all three main characters however, Lady Sannox most definitely shows the most amount of regret, as her arrogance and affairs have led to her being disfigured horribly. All of the characters’ emotions of this story affect each other one way or