An Analysis Of Pedro Arrupe's Speech 'Men And Women For Others'

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In the mandate given by Jesus in Matthew 25, God is seated on his throne, separating those who he deems worthy for heaven and those who deserve hell in eternity. He tells the righteous that since they helped those in need, they would inherit the Kingdom of God, as they inadvertently were helping God himself. He then proceeds to explain that the people who ignored those in need, were unfit for heaven as they refused to help God, denying both solidarity and kinship. Matthew 25 parallels the point Pedro Arrupe tried to exhibit through his speech in 1973, "Men & Women for Others", which he gave to wealthy, powerful Jesuit alumni. In his speech, Arrupe explains how they should actively help those in need fighting against taking advantage of the poor and unjust laws. …show more content…

Fr. Greg Boyle shares a similar meaning as to that of Matthew 25 in his teaching on kinship. He explains to those listening that we have to help everyone out that is in need. He dives deeper into this request by explaining the two ways you can help - solidarity and kinship. Solidarity is when your mind is in the right place, and kinship is when your feet are in the right place. This means that if you are to create a kinship you would be going out and helping people on a personal level, like what God talked about when he addressed the people he was inducting into