
Analysis Of A. J. Baime's The Arsenal Of Democracy

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In the military buildup that the United States government faced before and during World War II, there were certain people who helped inhibit and escalate production of aircraft. Upon reading A.J. Baime’s The Arsenal of Democracy, I formed the opinion that these people were businessman Henry Ford, and his son, Edsel Ford. I have come under the conclusion that it was Henry Ford who was the person most responsible for inhibiting the buildup of the United States military via aircraft. In an instant I found to be rather ironic, I believe it was Henry ford’s son, Edsel Ford, who was the person most responsible for the acceleration of this military buildup of aircraft. I believe that the person most guilty having inhibited the production of military aircraft before World War II was none other than Detroit businessman Henry Ford of the Ford Motor Company. Part of Henry’s skepticism of getting into the aircraft business can be rooted in his own pacifistic morals, his rigidities with his son Edsel, and his identity as a shrewd businessman. When Henry and Edsel allowed two military pilots test one of their planes to see if it had the capability of carrying bombs, the event would end in the …show more content…

Both, however were of contrasting views when it came to their position on this buildup of American airpower. I believe that it was Henry Ford who was most responsible for inhibiting the buildup through the production of aircraft because of his pacifistic and reluctant nature, as well as a revulsion towards President Franklin Roosevelt. Because of his perseverance under his father, and eagerness in having the Ford Motor Company create aircraft, I believe it was Henry Ford’s son, Edsel Ford, who was the one most responsible for the acceleration of aircraft production during the United States military

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