Art Critique: Cultural Connect Painting With Multiple Meanings By Trina Smith

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Gabe Graski Visual Art Critique Dr. Adam Ochonicky HNRS 275: Cultural Connect Painting with Multiple Meanings After looking at Longing for the Mountains 3 painted by Trina Smith for the second time, I was left more confused than I was the first time my eyes laid on this art piece. Smith is a professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, who specializes in painting and drawing, and her art is no stranger to the gallery on campus. Smith has several pieces in this gallery, however this large and impressive piece of art stands on its own pedestal. She is originally from Montana and it is well known that she misses it tremendously. She often goes back to go on hikes and takes pictures of the beautiful landscapes. Her art stems from her remembrance …show more content…

This contrast in colors draws the viewer to the center of the painting, then allows them to slowly branch out and take in the rest of the painting. This idea of a focal point is defined by famous Australian artist John Lovett in his article titled “Focal Point” when he says “Our main tool in creating a focal point is tonal contrast.” As Lovett continues he also mentions that one should arrange the lines within the artwork to guide the eye to the focal point (Lovett). With this in mind one can easily relate it back to Smith's painting, she used contrast in tones of color to create a focal point towards the middle of her painting. The trees are green and the background is a very light pink color, causing a very strong contrast in colors. Plus, the trees guide the viewer towards the top of the painting, where the focal point sits. This persuades the viewer's eyes to stare at the pink center initially, before taking in the rest of the painting. Smith uses these differing colors to create a focal point in the center of the painting, allowing viewers' eyes to start their first and slowly branch out in order to get the full effect of the

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