Articles Of Confederation Vs Constitution Similarities

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To analyze the both sides of the articles, ¨The Articles of Confederation¨ and ¨The U.S. Constitution¨. They have many similarities and differences within the two. The U.S. Constitution was adopted in September 1787. The Articles of Confederation was adopted on November 15, 1777. The similarities between the two is that they both have a Congress that can make laws, as it says in ¨The Constitution of the United States of America¨ in article 1 it states ¨All making powers are given to a Congress¨. It also states in ¨The Articles of Confederation¨ under article V Delegates pay for their Congress to represent them and to make the right decisions. Another similarity is that they were both created to form a better Union, as in ¨The Constitution …show more content…

In ¨The Articles of confederation¨ under Article II, ¨Each state shall keep all rights and powers¨. Also ¨The Constitution of the United States of America¨ the ¨Representative must be at least 25 years old and be seven years of Citizen of the U.S.¨. In ¨The Articles of Confederation¨ it doesn´t really talk about Representatives mostly Congress within the articles. Furthermore the efficacy of these two documents is that ¨The Constitution of the United States¨. Is a well resulted documents for the people, it relies on a more perfect union and insures peace within states. It also has a Representative that represents the people of America. Which is stated under section 2 of Article 1, of how Representatives are chosen and how Representatives help the people represent their State. This helps people to have the right to vote over which president they would want to govern their country. Lastly throughout time these two documents have been really effective to our State and Union. The Articles and U.S. Constitution have helped us grow over time. Even with the differences and similarities between the two they have helped us govern our country without any frustration. They have helped us control our United States of America, since they have been