Ashlee Immigration Case Study

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There are some similarities and differences between Ashlee and the articles. For Ashlee Immigration was not a problem for her family. Her mom had sisters who were already living the USA. This helped Ashlee’s parents acculturate better than others. The transition was a lot smoother because they had a little help to get them started. She did have some trouble getting use to the way people in American did certain things but her family was there to help her through these times. A lot of the people in the article did not have anyone to help. They had to work their way up all by themselves. This added a lot of stress to their families. The article also talks about traditions and customs were lost when the Portuguese people moved to the United States. Ashlee’s parents made sure none of the Portuguese cultures was lost. Ashlee says her mom made sure they learned about Portugual. For Ashlee parents the hardest part was finding jobs. …show more content…

She stated that her family believes its very disrespectful and it dishonors the family. Because she understands that we live in different times she is accepting of it however the elders in her family is not. This mainly has to do with her religious background. In Portugal the people are open to the LGBT community. Same sex marriage is allowed in the community. More families are able to accept the LGBT community. However, children in Portugal are still being bullied because of their sexual orientation. This shows us that the country is active however some parents and elders are not because they are allowing their children to bully others. During the interview Ashlee states that she is always willing to help her LGBT students because bullying is wrong and they should not be discriminated